Wednesday, July 30, 2008


so i case you havent heard this is the new site. Everything is now juxxxxx. so jux go to the site and check it out:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Things are changing

Sorry for the lack of updates. To tell you the truth, not a lot has been going on as of late, except for one huge thing. I will be revealing this information soon. In the meantime my camera is in for repairs, and the weather is shatty. So don't worry! Just a pause due to weather and technology. BTW did everyone see the NAB releases???? pretty snazzy huh! Well Things will be changing, but not to worry, there is plenty of montages to be made!

Oh, and I have some pics from james to post later. So look for them!

Monday, April 7, 2008

New montage is up

The new montage is up. The first is lower quality, and the second is higher. However you may have trouble playing the second one depending on if you have the most recent version of flash player.

View My Video April Throw Away Footage on

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend that Hell froze over

-One quick thing before I go into detail about this weekend, Nick took a lot of photos which I will have up soon. Also, the montage is going to be edited tomorrow so be patient!
-So Friday i woke up after a nice night of sleep after watching "There Will Be Blood." Me Paulius, Nick and Dan Quinn had gone to the movie the night before. It was my second time watching it, and let me tell you, it still is amazing. Anyway, back to Friday. I work up around ten thirty to Fletcher wanting me to take some pictures of him washing a random car for the La Parilla challenges. I declined as I had to do a billion things and he had to work any second, so Nick I guess stepped in. He ended up finishing the challenge btw. Check out to see, ha. Anyway, I spent the remainder the the day getting ready, and then shooting photos at the skate park. The weather was really nice, but was predicted to be horrible the next day. Well we ended up getting together and finally leaving around five thirty, two hours past the time we intended to leave. Well anyway, the drive was quite glorious, only a couple hours at most. When we entered Helena, we were met by a happy storm that was closely approaching. We immediately went to the skate park, as we were going to meet Cody and Evan there. Here we filmed a little and goofed off in the park for the remainder of the day light. I was happy to see Evan and Cody, as it was long over do for such a trip.

After skating, we drove the Evans house and visited with his mom and him. I even got a really amazing sticky note that said "this is fucking urgent" on the top. They were all custom made. We visited for quite a while, and then left and went to fletchers house. It was about twelve now, so me Paulius and Nick watched TV downstairs. I ended up sleeping in a sofa that could go all the way back, ha I actually really enjoyed it. Boom I slept like a rock.

I woke up to a freezing twenty or so degrees with a couple inches of slush outside, and a lot of wind. Bummer. We started our day by going to RMR for some free employee coffee. It was here that fletcher showed us the picture of him streaking in the naked noodle. What a picture. Well once we waisted about three hours here, we began by hitting up a parking garage with some ledges. Evan and Fletcher got a line pretty quickly. I had to go to the bathroom, so i ended up going in the very corner of the parking garage. Little did i know that a trail of my urine would reach all the way across the floor of the parking garage, and provide for a nice skating obstacle.

We then skated a brick bank spot. It was SOOOO windy. Evan killed it quickly, and we left. Btw, I forgot to mention that we got crapes that morning and even recieved a couple free ones. Anyway, after this we went to fletchers to get a broom. After this we met up with Race, Emilio, and Casey at the skatepark. Apparently race had almost died by over correcting and side sliding his car at 75 mph on the highway. He was pretty shook up. We skated the park again, and then decided to hit up the state handrail. Race threw down a front lip and back tail in a short ammount of tries, despite it being skate stopped. We then parted ways with the boys, and went to fletchers for an amazing meal. After this we went for icecream where paulius asked for another brownie on his icecream and the lady actually gave it to him. Man that kid can work magic. We then ended the night by watching old four skin videos. What a night.

Today i woke up to a nice sunny day! I was so hyped. We began the day with some breakfast, and then a skate at the park. After this we went to a hip tranny type spot. We got several good tricks and then were kicked out by the nicest cop ever. Seriously he was SOOOO nice like he even let emilio finish getting his trick. Anyway, Race and the boys then headed home while we hit up a downhill ledge spot. Evan and Cody ripped this spot up. We even managed to "
obtain" a brand new sign. Thats a good day in my book. Anyway, we then went to fletchers for dinner and then headed home. Although it sounds like there werent a million clips, there were actually quite a few, and way more than I thought due to the shatty weather.

Ok well I have to study now.


Friday, April 4, 2008

Weekend trip

Nick is scared (photo by Paulius K)

-Ok, so this weekend is a helena trippppp. Thats about it for updates, minus the fact that the new montage will be up any day! Also, we were featured on So check it out under videos!


Sunday, March 30, 2008

fun weekend

-So basically this week was full of filming! almost enough to finish a new montage! but alas this weekends trip is holding me back from doing so. Anyway, friday I filmed at the red bull ten step contest. It was lots of fun. Rex martin took first, Evan Estrada took second, and Aaron Fenuzzi took third. It was a great time. I'm even in the process of making the event video for it. SO be on the look out!

Anyway, was on set all weekend, and am tired. This weekend a lot of people are taking a trip, so should be good.



Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weekend of Interesting people...

Nose Bonk (Austin Saunders) Photo By Nick Weber

-So friday began with waking up Ozz at about eight oclock, calling a really tired Nick Webber, and receiving a call from an eager Lithuanian. Once all of this was done, the small crew that had assembled for the day trip, was off to Missoula. The first real stop consisted of a bathroom break at Drummond. If anyone knows anything about Drummond, they probably know that it is a classic Montana one horse town. Upon driving up to the nearest Conoco, we met our first odd person: a angst filled gangster. We pulled up as he appeared to be cursing and punching at a car window. Thinking there must be another gansta' in the car we all looked to see what the commotion was. To our surprise, the thug was actually punching at his mother. We never did find out what he was so angry about...

It was hear I bet Ozz ten bucks he couldn't buy tampons. I was right... But he almost did it. Anyway, on the way out we decided Drummond should merit a crew picture. Well searching for a place for such a picture, an old man popped out of his truck and yelled "why don't you take a picture near the horns you horny boys!" This was said in a very old man hick voice, and instantly was the quote, and moral riser of the trip.

About a half hour later we were in Missoula. Apparently Race and some other boys had to run from the cops early that morning because of a friendly police visit at the skate park. So we met up at EOW. We then seshed the park, were I found a paint can to gap.

We then left shortly after for the Skaggs building on campus. This is where the tapes were filled... We skated this foot high ledge ollie to 8 or so foot drop. SO gnarly. Anyway, Nick shot photos, Ozz shot long lens, And I shot fish. Lotttttsss of stuff went down , it was gnarly. Race almost killed himself by flipping over the ledge head first, but somehow he was able to catch himself. Spidey senses must have been tingling. Nick, Race, Jake, Emelio, and Austin all got clips.

We then went to the stair by skaggs and got even more clips. Race was attempting a full cab when I yelled out of the blue, "hey Race, grind the rail." And so he did it. Plain and simple... Oh and it has a gnarcious kink at the end, making it even crazier. We then filmed some lines, and golfed with water bottles. Once the filming at Skaggs was complete we all left for Taco Johns. Ate, and then said goodbye to my Kalispell Brothers. We then went to the super 8 Bank and filmed a couple trickkkiesss. Next we went to Target to find some gloves. No such luck, I was pissed... On the way out Nick decided that he wanted a picture of Austin Ollieing through the circular structure outside. Before we even got to skate the spot, a lady in red came up to Nick and told him that he could not take pictures of the structure, as it is against company policy. She basically felt really ridiculous telling us that we had to leave for taking photos. Weirdest kickout ever, until later that night...

We then decided to go skate a curb at Walmart. Mind you, we were in no way damaging property, and it was way out in the parking lot behind the store, away from any type of customers, and had no "no skateboarding" signs. Well long story short, a lady and a disgruntle looking manager soon came out. The manager was waving his arms yelling " no skateboarding, get off the skateboard." Wait I take that back, he was screaming it. We all looked at each other, and began walking to the car think that this guy was not worth our time and we would leave. Well austin was on his way to the car, he got on his board and began pushing towards the car. The man then screamed at the top of his lungs " I said get off the skateboard!" except in rather nastier language. Austin then slowly turned around and said, "stop f---ing yelling at me sir, we were leaving nicely." The man then began just screaming at him. It was on. A four minute screaming match began with Paulius yelling, its because you are an american and work at walmart" and other such comments. He was probably the meanest man ever. The whole time we simply tried to talk to him and he just screamed. Oh and when he came our he said "time to go BOYS, and I mean Boys." and all of us were nearly in our twenties. It was ridiculous. Anyway he screamed and even appeared to have thrown something at us. The funniest thing was what nick said though. As we left he smiled and said, "nice to meet you sir, have a good one." And it made him so mad, ha. Basically that made the whole trip, a good ol' fun kick out.

Anyway, we then decided to retire to Nicks house and stay the night. I slept like a rock, and we drove home this morning, and I took a nap and skated a little, and here I am, updating the blog!

Montage should be up soon. my hard drive is being funny so bear with me. Also Nick took tons of pictures, so I'll post a few, and post more tomorrow.


Photo By Nick Weber

Photo By Nick Weber
Jake Spencer (KF Foot Plant) Photo By Nick Weber

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

GVSA Skate Love Event

-So next Friday (March 28) at 5pm to 8pm there will be a benefit for the GVSA so come and support your skate scene! I will be filming the ten step event, so if you see me there say hi!

-It snowed last night so bear with me people... Anyway, thats about it for today, I'm working on a montage right now, so look for it in a couple of days...



Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday morning update

-Anyway, I'd like to first apologize for the lack of updates as of late. I was on spring break, and set the week before so things have been hectic, but not to worry I'm back, ha.

Anyway, spring break was pretty good, lots of filming throughout the week and such, blah blah blah. Yesterday was a long drive back to bozo for my birthday. Thats right! it was my birthday!, ha. Anyway, lots of filming is planned for this week, so expect a montage by the end of the week. Maybe sunday? Also, Ozz is in Bozo with me for the week, so we plan on filming with paulius and adam. Maybe get some quad angles, ha. Also, I'm going back to Zoo town on saturday probably. So any zoo town kids that wanna get trespassing tickets should meet up and film... lata

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Breaking, and Getting Clips...

-So Friday morning I was sitting in my dorming not planning on leaving for zoo town until the next day, and then I just went crazy and left out of nowhere. I'm really bi polar sometimes. its amazing. Anyway, I met up with Austin and some kalispell kids in Missoula later that day. Austin basically threw down, as did Race despite being blind from lack of contacts. The next day me and the Kalispell crew skated various spots, and received a number of kick outs that would piss you off. You know, the ones where the cranky old man comes out and says "this isn't a skatepark" or something like that. But we did manage to get a number of clips. I then left for Kalispell. Later that night I was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. Being 100 percent sober I was laughing as I had to walk the line, say my abc's backwards, and blow in the Breathalyzer. So that ended the night well with a fun pull over where i was just warned to get some sleep. Well now its monday, and that means the fish is here. So i'm gonna head to the shop and get a board and find someone to film with. I think I'm going to meet up with Dann Quinn mid week for a nice skate trip, so that should be fun. Anyway lata to all.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Come back horses...

-Anyway, this week has been super busy, but i did manage to also upload Kalabriskate online. So check that on our youtube page: Anyway, tests galore, and a week long film shoot, suck a duck.

-I found that the later I stay up the worse I function. Which should be obvious, but I'm so stupid it doesnt matter. Anyway, Dan Quinn confirmed today that he wants something to do with the video, so thats good. But I had to get him drunk for him to agree. Jk jk or something like that in internet lingo... um. Oh and Hamilton confirmed too. Well me Dan, Paulius, and Nick (yes thats right I started the sentence with me! I don't care its late) went skating tonight at Smiths. Dan was pretty drunk and liked to talk, so that was pretty funny. He managed to get some hellarious lines and even film a trick tips which will be provided for you at the end of this post. Its a joke to all you haters! Dan also discovered that if you are drunk, riding a horse ride at the grocery can be hours of relaxing entertainment. Anyway, I'm out, its too late...

Oh and heres a little montage of Dan that my boy Adam filmed the other night. It has a very clever name so peep it........ here

Oh and as promised here is the drunk trick tip of the night by Dan Quinn...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"What Was I Thinking?" is online!

-so I uploaded all of "WWIT?" online so here are the addresses to all of the parts! so watch them! nothing much new I guess. So lata!


"What Was I Thinking?" online

James Reeves
Colt Hudson and Tony Mochado
Justin Fyle
Dustin Moran and Casey Bruff
Mixed Montage
Race Nagel

Monday, February 25, 2008

Missoula Weekend Montage Is Up!

-Ok so lots of good news, including first of all Austin Saunders confirmed that he will film for the video, which is good, and Sierra fellers also confirmed that he wants to have some part in the video as well. Along with this, several Jux members, four skin, kalispell, and missoula skaters also confirmed wishes to join in.
-The video is now up bellow is the youtube version, but you can also download the high quality version by right clicking the link bellow and selecting "save link as," or "save target as" then you can simply load the quicktime video to your computer. Please don't just click on it, as it will play, but will kill my bandwidth! So please do me a favor and right click and save the link as!

Right Click Save Link As

Here is the Less attractive you tube version:

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Long long weekend once upon a time in missoula

-This weekends trip was pretty much epic. Friday morning Paulius, Nick Webber, and I set off for Missoula. Upon entering zoo town we met up with our skate crew for the weekend: the four skin crew. We ripped it up with some locals at Mobash for a while and got a good deal of footage. We also met up with Race and some other little kali locals. The night was complete with lighting up a spot and some good shreddage. Day two begin with me waking up Paulius by stuffing chips down his mouth. No he did not choke. The day consisted of a good deal of filming around missoula with the kalispell crew, and later some good bowling with the four skin crew. I never knew Evan and Cody were such good bowlers, but they proved themselves worthy of bowling greatness. Fletcher also isn't too bad. Fletcher also picked the names for the game, which I didnt mind so much even though I recieved the name "Blowgan." Most of them were pretty funny, including Cody as "Chody." Well this wasn't so bad until I had to tell the guy at the counter what my name was this was only slightly embarrassing, but worth a laugh. We also had a good time watching Cody play this 18 wheel arcade game, which looked very hard, and extremely red neck at the least. That night ended with an early 1 oclock family guy video sesh. We then woke up this morning to a good deal of rain/snow. Damn, no good. But that did not stop us from skating and even getting a few lines. I also grinded the rail at the elks, just to say i did, and the one i landed pretty much look like goat poop but oh well, it was just for a joke. Well then we left... And almost died on the highway. But yeah this weekend was great and I should have a lot of photos and a montage up really soon. Oh and a lot of people are down for the new project, so I'm really excited.

-also, we were recently feature on skate montana so check their site out its great.

Click here



Friday, February 22, 2008

going to zoo town

-going to missoula this weekend with the four skin crew, nick, paulius, going to skate with race and casey too! so yeah prob a montage this weekend. I'm packing, i don't feel like blogging, ha.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Ready For fiction

-The last couple of days have been amazing. The park is partially dry in Bozeman, and I guess I'm going to zoo town this weekend. So if any of the zoo town boys want to film, just hit me up. Also, I'm waiting till this weekend after our little trip to release the winter montage town footy. Lata.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Street Wolf Interview! And Video and Pictures!

Street Wolf is a local company out of Kalispell, MT. I decided to have a quick online interview with the founders and get some details about the ambitious new company. Street Wolf is "heavy into art and promote general creativity put into the day to day celebration of being alive." All of them are doing a lot for the Kalispell skate scene, so please, for your own sake support them. Click here to visit their myspace page. Also at the bottom is their latest montage so check it out.


> When Was Street Wolf Founded/ by whom?
Bear: Fall of 2007...pre-halloween. Technically probably james.

>What made you guys want to start a local company?
James: ed templeton once said "they have all the guns, all the
and all the greed...but our passion and creativity is
where the real
power lies." We love
Cale: It would be fun.

> Why the name Street Wolf?
Cale: Cause' it's badass.

> How long have you guys known each other?
James: long enough to know we are good enough friends
to trust each other.

Bear: probably for about 12 years.
Cale: Since the seventh grade.

> Opinion on our skate scene?
Bear: Too many tight pants...not much local support...not
fashion sense. and the kalispell skate park blows.

> Craziest Person in the crew?
Cale: R & Benny
Bear: Benny or Me.
James: Benny...or if Shane has more than three green tilt's.

> Craziest Moment?
Bear: When we caught Benny jerkin' off to Curb Dogs IV
(street wolf's
first video)
Cale: Stole that airplane and flew to mexico for three weeks.
James: When Cale shot this kid that worked at the buckle
in the foot
with a 22 yelling "you lucky it's not a molatov bitch!"

> What are your guy's influences for the company?
Cale: the Dump (Cale's old house), the DWARVES, the
dudes James used
to skate with in Alaska.
Bear: The Wu-Tang Clan.
James: Trent Reznor, George Lucas, Mark DeLorme,
Matt Price, Spirit
Crew, Willy Santos, Connor Christofferson,
and anyone that is
skateboarding for pure enjoyment.

> Plans for the future?
Bear: To introduce a clothing line, decks, and eventually
sponsor a
team...and then world domination until 2012 when
Nibiru is present and
the world stops spinning.

(top photo courtesy of Brendan Rohan

New Montage! year in review

-I'm tired, thats about it. The things I do for everyone! Check this out its a year in review montage, sorry for the quality but apparently myspace kept blocking it I don't know why.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mini rampage!

-So tonight me and some Bozeman decided it would be a good idea to make a mini ramp montage. Well We filled a whole tape with just some goofy stuff, so that should be up pretty damn soon. Anyway thats it for that. Oh and apparently I look drunk when I'm on a mini ramp despite being 100 percent sober. I think this is due to the fact that I have to duck. But despite this it is still a great time. And thanks to Alix for the sesh.
-Well anyway, after the sesh we watched this ridiculous movie, "the next invasion" or some shit I can't remember. Ha it was so horrible that I was almost mad after watching it. But even despite Robin and Guggey making fun of us, we all finished the movie, much to the criticism that it received. During this time however, Nate did realize his love for Lyn-z Adams Hawkins, despite her being like twelve in the movie. Nate then promptly added her as a myspace friend right after watching the flick. Its safe to say that the only thing Nate will get from the female skater is a possible restraining order. But we won't hold that against him. I mean she is 18 now (so says her myspace). Well thats the night in a whole.
-Tomorrow I have to take part in some psych experiment that said you had to be 18 or older. This kind of scares me, I hope I come out with out any type of brain trauma. So please pray for me, as I have no clue what I'm getting into. Really off topic I know, but I had to bring that up.


Monday, February 11, 2008

for all you winers

-so I'm sorry about the lack of video updates but yeah life gets busy. Actually I'm holding off on what meager footage that I have for a nice little winter montage that will be released this weekend hopefully. But to hold you off I uploaded the Spirit of Kalispell Tour video that I edited. Brings back memories... Anyway, visit for more info. Oh and sometime this week I have a surprise for everyone....
Spirit Skateshop of Kalispell Tour Video

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so basically

- Skated some last night with Paulius and Nick. Nick beat me at skate, but thats ok because he also claims that he once beat a black man at skate, so now I don't feel so bad.
-I think I know how I want the format of the next video to be. Basically I want to rep all of Montana. No crews, just everyone. I don't care if you are Spirit, RMM, EOW, 4 Skin, World Boards, Darkness, or what, I want to rep em all. This may be an ambitious task, but yeah, I'm crazy, and I have a couple years so bring it on bitches. Ha but I'm still not giving out any news on what the video is going to be like but lets just say there will be blood...
-Anyway, as the year rolls on I am slowly losing ambition for this thing we call college. Its safe to say that I'm ready for summer, or at least spring. Oh and it snowed last night which pretty much blows. Am I boring you? Probably. Well lets spice things up I guess from now on.
-So does anyone know my Christmas tree story? ha well its a good one. Ask me it sometime...
-Oh and Nick is going to have a good deal of photos up pretty soon so get hyped...


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yes, the skating went down

-finally some skating went down. Actually a good deal of skating went down. And......... FILMING! Nothing too special but Nick, Nate, and I went out for the day and skated several fun spots. One was brand new and will provide us with some much needed clips in the summer I have a feeling. Nick and I however, did happen to land back to back fs flip, and then a I finished 'er off with a trey, so that was probably the highlight of the trip.
-Random bit of info, I've overheard talk of the city filling our skate park with dirt. Although this sounds like it could happen, I would not worry about the rumor, as the reason for doing such a thing was so ridiculous I wanted to puke. Yes, this could happen if we constantly kept trash everywhere, yet it can't happen from our local corrupt police force. But I think we should really think about keeping that place clean. I know its none of my guys, but dammit just take a second to pick your trash up. So anyway, don't worry about it getting filled, just pick your trash up. They won't close it because of the meth heads that loiter in the grass by the skate park. They have nothing to do with us and they have done that for years even before our park was up. So if you hear anyone talk of this "filling the park," tell them to just do there part and keep it clean. And if anyone does hear any legit information thats not just stupid hearsay or rumor, then please let me know, because we should get the legal ball rolling for our side.
-oh and I lost in a race to a bicyclist the other day. Was a moment I will never forget.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


-so whats going on as of late? well nothing really, ha. But each day that goes by I am getting more antsy to start filming. Going filming tomorow actually. Oh and just purchased a bunch of new gear so that should be good. Ugh its 330 in the morning and i"m so tired but can't sleep but anyway I'm booking my summer production jobs, so if you have anything or know anybody that wants say a music video or event filmed, give them my name. anyway, I'm going to bed.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weekend update

-So yeah, this sorry for the lack of updates, I promise I will have a clip of the day tomorow, its just that I went to Kali this weekend, and my hard drive that is at home has all the footy. Anyway, this weekend was pretty much amazing. Ozz and I filmed the yettie snow skate contest. It was like from nine to seven at night, so I'm pretty much crippled now, but I did get to spend a long day with good friends, and plenty of beautiful 24p footage. Anyway, a video is going to be made for the event, so I should be able to provide some info on how to get one fairly soon. As well as many a picture from my man Nick Webber.
-In other news the spring break trip is planned, and I should have a winter montage up fairly soon.
-Oh yea, and I saw Tony yesterday. He is doing well as always, ripping it up on the slopes I guess. I'm ready for it to be spring though, get everyone back together. Where we belong. Anyway got a long drive ahead of me, so peace.


Monday, January 28, 2008

morning update!

-Ok so not much has gone down lately, pretty much just dodging winter time. So yeah as far as skating it is hit and miss
-This weekend Ozz and I are filming the yetti snow skate contest, so that should be fun. I'm sure details are up, but I do know it is this Saturday. Also, spring break is being planned as we speak for a kick off of filming.
-Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates, I have been super busy and I just finished putting up some more profiles so check em out.
-Video clip of the day: here are a couple old montages/ promos, so take a trip into history. I promise new clips tomorrow so don't be too down kids!

Spirit of Kalipsell Hard Core Montage!

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Friday, January 25, 2008

about page is up

-the about page is up, the about rmmskatemedia part is still under construction, as is all of the crew profiles. But still not bad for a nights work.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

rediculous interview with casey bruff

-I don't even think half this stuff is true, but if you know anything about Casey, you know that truth isn't that important. The funny thing about Casey is that he is actually quite good at skating. Although he said three years, i think he has been skating for more like 6. Casey has the weirdest style, but can still manage to hit those stairs and handrails. But enough about skating, when it comes to life Casey is plane and simple just the best at it, hahhaha. Many a time I have worried about Casey's ability to function on his own. Casey will make you laugh til' you pee your pants, and then when you are down, will cheer you up. So here is to the most whipped, yet awesome, person I know: Casey Bruff.

What did you think of the last project?
i dont know im stoned

Heard anything about the new project?

How long have you been skating?
three beautifull years

Whats the craziest story you can think of about the crew?
ummmmmmmm when we all got stoned

How long have you been skating with the RMMSKATEMEDIA crew?
about a year-year and a half

What do you have planned for your new part?

What have you been up to lately?

Favorite beverage?

Favorite trick?

What is your take on skateboarding style?

Skateboarding clothing style?

Why do you skateboard?

Describe yourself in six words or less.

Craziest race story?

Shout outs?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New temporary site is up!

-Ok so I worked all day and got a crude version of the site up. So far this is the only page, but I assure you by the end of the week the rest should be up. Also, this is just a crude version, so don't expect to be impressed, me and Zach Doe are working on a good one, so stay tuned!
-No clip of the day, the internet was down for a long time at the college, so sorry bout that.
-Ha here is a pic I found of Race and I on the day of our graduation, brings back memories.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quick interview with crew rider Tony Mochado

-Just a quick interview with Tony Mochado in regards to the last project and the newest one. He better be joking about that whole rollerblading shit, ha.

How long have you been skateboarding?
um damn like 6 years

When did you start filming with RMMSKATE MEDIA?
um the end um summer i think

Who is the craziest out of the whole crew?
well everyone is pretty crazy but i think casey and dustin are deffently there always tryin to rape me

What was the craziest thing that has happened to you during filming with the crew?
hmmm it was all crazy but the thing that probably scared me the most was gettin raped or stab by casey or litte D

What did you think of filming for the last video?
lots and lots of stories and super fun

Do you know anything about the next one?
um not really i heard its gona be a longer filming project and its gona be bigger

What are your plans for your part in the next video?
um to get some good shit and just get some good rollerblading clips ha

What have you been up to as of late? um shreddin the snow stick

Any shout outs? to all the bitches and hoes and my grandma

Clip of the day and a quick update

-Did you see that kids run from the tampa am? I've never seen a winning run like that, he just did a lot of little tricks. Not that it wasn't amazing, but it was the weirdest winning run I've ever seen. Click here to see the results.

-In other news, the clip of the day is up, and I've rewarded you loyal viewers with a couple old tricks of races from both "WWIT?" and "Kalabriskate." So enjoy, it has music to it, but i just through everything together, so please don't expect it to be amazing, ha.

1.22.08 some old race footy

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Clip of the day and more!

-So here is a little clip of the day for you that was filmed over Christmas break. As I recall, Race, Casey, Emelio, and I were at the park to skate a box when we came across a rather large flock of birds. With boom box on his shoulder, and friends beside him, Casey and the others decided to teach these birds a lesson they would never forget. However upon completing such a mission, all but my feet were covered in fresh bird shit. What fun!

1.21.08 Chasing Birds

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-So I'm stuck in bozeman, joy there, because there is nowhere to skate. Its so cold and what not, but everyone else seems to be finding a place or two to shred. Thats it I'm going to zoo town this weekend, I can't handle this anymore! By the way, day after day I am planning the new project, and it appears to be something bigger than I imagined. Oh, and did you catch "Cloverfield"? For once I don't have an opinion on a movie, ha, its worth the watch though. Its very fresh, however it may leave the average movie watcher with a sore neck.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quick Morning Update

-Just wanted to remind everyone that every wednesday night in kalispell MT there is skate night at shady lane from 6 to 8 pm. Its two bucks and please be respectful, this is our only chance to keep skating, and we don't want to lose it, for now check out this video yay!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Update

-So lots of stuff has gone down as of late, although its winter time in the flathead! Anyway "WWIT?" is selling well and we are already preparing for our next film which is rumored to be a three year product.

-Race and the boys are still killing it, and progressing everyday, I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves.

-If you haven't already done so pick up a copy of "What Was I Thinking?" at Spirit skate shop, or email us, and we can send you one via good old snail mail. And only for ten dollars!

-I am working on a montage from over winter break so sit tight for that! Anyway, we should up this quite regularly, so sit tight, and get ready for some serious action. For now check out five easy warm up tricks I filmed in about five minutes of race!
Five Warm Up Tricks With Race Nagel

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