Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weekend update

-So yeah, this sorry for the lack of updates, I promise I will have a clip of the day tomorow, its just that I went to Kali this weekend, and my hard drive that is at home has all the footy. Anyway, this weekend was pretty much amazing. Ozz and I filmed the yettie snow skate contest. It was like from nine to seven at night, so I'm pretty much crippled now, but I did get to spend a long day with good friends, and plenty of beautiful 24p footage. Anyway, a video is going to be made for the event, so I should be able to provide some info on how to get one fairly soon. As well as many a picture from my man Nick Webber.
-In other news the spring break trip is planned, and I should have a winter montage up fairly soon.
-Oh yea, and I saw Tony yesterday. He is doing well as always, ripping it up on the slopes I guess. I'm ready for it to be spring though, get everyone back together. Where we belong. Anyway got a long drive ahead of me, so peace.


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