Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quick interview with crew rider Tony Mochado

-Just a quick interview with Tony Mochado in regards to the last project and the newest one. He better be joking about that whole rollerblading shit, ha.

How long have you been skateboarding?
um damn like 6 years

When did you start filming with RMMSKATE MEDIA?
um the end um summer i think

Who is the craziest out of the whole crew?
well everyone is pretty crazy but i think casey and dustin are deffently there always tryin to rape me

What was the craziest thing that has happened to you during filming with the crew?
hmmm it was all crazy but the thing that probably scared me the most was gettin raped or stab by casey or litte D

What did you think of filming for the last video?
lots and lots of stories and super fun

Do you know anything about the next one?
um not really i heard its gona be a longer filming project and its gona be bigger

What are your plans for your part in the next video?
um to get some good shit and just get some good rollerblading clips ha

What have you been up to as of late? um shreddin the snow stick

Any shout outs? to all the bitches and hoes and my grandma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um Ton man, thanks for the shout out bud! Love Grandma D