Monday, January 21, 2008

Clip of the day and more!

-So here is a little clip of the day for you that was filmed over Christmas break. As I recall, Race, Casey, Emelio, and I were at the park to skate a box when we came across a rather large flock of birds. With boom box on his shoulder, and friends beside him, Casey and the others decided to teach these birds a lesson they would never forget. However upon completing such a mission, all but my feet were covered in fresh bird shit. What fun!

1.21.08 Chasing Birds

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-So I'm stuck in bozeman, joy there, because there is nowhere to skate. Its so cold and what not, but everyone else seems to be finding a place or two to shred. Thats it I'm going to zoo town this weekend, I can't handle this anymore! By the way, day after day I am planning the new project, and it appears to be something bigger than I imagined. Oh, and did you catch "Cloverfield"? For once I don't have an opinion on a movie, ha, its worth the watch though. Its very fresh, however it may leave the average movie watcher with a sore neck.


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